How to access the exhibition on Minecraft

  1. Download the NUBE Minecraft world ︎︎︎here.
  2. Download Minecraft from ︎︎︎here and follow the install instructions.
  3. Once installed, open the Minecraft launcher application. In order to launch the actual game, you will need to log into a Microsoft account or create one.
  4. Once you’re logged in, click on the green “Launch” button and the game will run.
  5. In the main menu, click on “Create Demo World” and wait. Minecraft will create a new world from scratch.
  6. Once the world has been created, you will automatically enter it. Dismiss any messages on your screen, press the Esc key to open the pause menu and click “Save and exit.”
  7. Now, you need to find the folder on your computer where saved Minecraft worlds are stored. Refer to︎︎︎this video if you’re on Windows (1:08 - 1:31) or︎︎︎this one if you’re on a Mac (1:00 - 1:20).
  8. Inside your “saves” folder you’ll find the “Demo_World” folder. Delete it and replace it with the Demo_Folder inside the “NUBE - Wayfinding Memories” folder you downloaded in step 1.
  9. Back in Minecraft, click on “Play Demo World” and wait for the world to load.
  10. You’re in! Follow the glass bridge directly ahead of you to reach the NUBE Artist Run Centre and the projects that make up Wayfinding Memories. Happy exploring!
  11. For additional support/questions, ︎ email us here.

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